
Liturgy and Ecumenism

7 -10 August 2023
St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Ireland

Liturgy and Ecumenism – Congress Statement English

Liturgie et Oecumenisme – Congress Statement Francais

Liturgie und Okumene – Congress Statement Deutsch

Keynote Lectures for the 2023 Congress

Presidential Address:
E. Byron (Ron) Anderson, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, Illinois

Liturgical, theological, and ecumenical gifts:
Ivana Noble, Professor of Ecumenical Theology, Charles University, Prague

Formed ecumenically through liturgy:
Mgr. Job Getcha, Directeur de l’Institut de Théologie orthodoxe de Chambésy
Isaia Gazzola, Professeur de théologie de la liturgie à l’Institut supérieur de liturgie de Paris
Nicolas Cochand, Professeur de théologie pratique à l’Institut Protestant de Théologie de Paris

Liturgy and ecumenism, contexts and challenges:
Elochukwu Uzukwu, Associate Professor of Theology, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Receiving each other’s gifts:
Dorothea Sattler, Director of the Ecumenical Institute, University of Münster
Friederike Nüssel, Ordinary for Systematic Theology and Director of the Ecumenical Institute, University of Heidelberg

The Draft Schedule of Papers may be downloaded here: SL Papers Schedule – DRAFT


Johan Bastubacka, Liturgical theology as the ecumenical meeting ground for the Orthodox and Scandinavian Protestants.

Carl Bear, Ecumenical Communion Songs in North America.

Marco Benini, The Liturgical and Biblical Movement in the US and Germany in Comparison. A new research field including ecumenical aspects.

David Bjorlin, Unity or Uniformity? Neoliberalism’s Effect on the Church’s Song in Contemporary Worship Music.

Christian Boerger, ‘Eucharistization’ Recalled: Insights on the development of current German liturgical texts as a critical impulse for future liturgical work.

Kent Burreson, Liturgy as Worldmaking: A Liturgical Response to the Challenges of Moral Therapeutic Deism and Normal Nihilism.

Dorianne Buttigieg, Forty years since the Lima Document: A Re-Reception of Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry and the liturgical implications.

Luiz Carlos Teixeira Coelho, Canto Comum: A methodology for hymnal revision in a Latin-American, Ecumenical context.

Bryan Cones, The Fraying of the ‘Ecumenical Consensus’: A Case Study.

Matthew D Cortese, …But also in body?: St Pierre Favre and Philip Melanchthon’s Exchange on ‘External Ceremonies’,in Ecumenical Perspective.

Adam Couchman, An Open Table – Converting, Confirming, and Connecting.

Sonia Couchman, From whom no secrets are hid: a better liturgy for victim-survivors of intimate partner violence.

Nelson Cowan, Emily Snider Andrews, Liturgical Gift or Theological Burden? Teenagers and Ecumenical Liturgical Exchange Events.

Lynsay M Downs, Hospitality in the Liturgical Forest: a decentred and vulnerable ecumenism.

Brigitte Enzner-Probst, Creation Liturgies as part of the Ecumenical Movement and the concept of a ‘Care for Our Common Home’.

Olav Gading, Did traditions and liturgical material from other churches change worship in the Lutheran Church of Norway?

Samuel Goyvaerts, Furnishing Space for Ecumenism. Reflections on Shared Liturgical Spaces.

James Hadley, Gabriel Tornambé, Forbidden Fruit: Problems and promises in shared spaces of ecumenical liturgical formation.

Dorothea Haspelmath-Finatti, Evensong: a fast spreading ‘Virus’?

Pierre Hegy, Practical Ecumenism: Taizé and ‘Le Jour du Seigneur’.

Victor Usman Jamahh, Between Authenticity and Relevance, Ecumenism and Abuse: The Challenge of some Liturgical Developments in the Catholic Church in the Light of Certain Practices of African Independent Churches and Pentecostals in Nigeria.

Sarah Kathleen Johnson, Evolving Practices of Online Communion in Ecumenical Perspective: An Ethnographic Study of Four Pandemic Holy Weeks.

Titti Kallio, Terhi Paananen, Neurological Measuring to Gain Knowledge of Participants’ Emotions during a Church Service.

Jonghyun Kim, Korean Candlelight Vigil as an Ecumenical Event.

Walter Knowles, Receiving the Gift of Reconciliation.

Benedikt Kranemann; Stephan Winter, ‘Against this evil no prudence or precaution helped’ (Decameron). Pandemic, ritual and pastoral practices in historical longitudinal section.

Ferdi (P) Kruger, Liturgy’s outlook on the oikumene exposes attitudes and memories.

Lizette Larson-Miller, Virtual Ecumenism? Denominationalism, non-denominationalism, or other in liturgy after a global pandemic?

Antonio Lattanzio, Ecumenism and liturgy as ‘peoples’ actions’. To the origins of faith as a ‘social fact’ from an anthropological and theological analysis of the Liturgical Rolls of Bari (Apulia, Italy).

Pantelis Levakos, Hymnographical Approaches to the Feast of the Pentecost: The Holy Spirit as an Agent of Ecumenical Unity.

Jason J McFarland, Is an Ecumenical Theology of Liturgical Music Possible?

Esther M Meyer, Celebrating different types of we – ecumenical liturgy as a chance to ritualize the situational partnership between congregations.

Heather Gottas Moore, Stephanie A Budwey, ‘Do No Harm’: One Congregation’s Process of Revising Liturgical Language in Dialogue with Ecumenical Resources.

Geoffrey C Moore, A Holy and Living Sacrifice: Rewriting the Grammar of Eucharistic Sacrifice in the Wesleyan Tradition.

Bruce Morrill, Is the Roman Hierarchy’s Spotlight on Ritual Language ad intra Casting a Lengthening Shadow on Ecumenism ad extra?

Neil Xavier O’Donoghue, The Celtic Rite, an Invention from a non-Ecumenical Past.

William H Petersen, Worship Points the Way – Or Does It?

Anna Petrin, Love and Ecumenism: Mixed Marriages and the Challenge of Ecclesial Reconciliation.

Donald Phillips, Bringing Christians together through locally-inculturated liturgy.

Jessie Rogers, ‘Speaking in tongues’ in the early Charismatic Renewal Movement as divine invitation to ecumenical rapprochement.

Jim Sabak, Rites of Reconciliation as a Means of Ecumenical Dialogue.

Tyler D Sampson, Avoiding Woolly Mammoths and Relativism, or A Theological Foundation for Liturgical Ordo.

Stefan Schweyer, Liturgical formation through ecumenical experiences. Experiences and insights from interdenominational cross-university lectures.

Hilton Scott, Identifying diversity for promoting unity: a liturgical and systematic theological exploration of involved risks.

Gregory Shokhikyan, A Medieval Ecumenism? Nerses of Lambron (1153–1198) as a Case Study.

Samantha Slaubaugh, Eating Together, Differently: The Lund Principle and Food Allergies

Innocent Smith, United in Your Praise and in Repentance: Prayers for the Unity of Christians in the Roman Missal.

Martin Stuflesser, Stephan Winter, ‘To foster whatever can promote union among all who believe in Christ’ (SC1) The project ‘Vatican II – Legacy and Mandate’: A new Commentary on the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy and its hermeneutical challenges.

Paul Turner, The Ecumenical Roots of the Lectionary for Mass.

Armand Léon van Ommen, From a ‘cult of normalcy’ to a liturgical-theology of availability: possibilities for ecumenical practices from a disability theology perspective.

K M Koshy Vaidyan, The Role of Syriac Churches in Liturgy and Ecumenism.

Wessel Wessels, Indiscriminate Inclusion? Monastic Discipline, Eucharist, and Contemporary emphasis on Inclusion.

Karen B Westerfield Tucker, Rites and Practices of Reconciliation: An Examination of the Report of the Joint International Commission for Dialogue between the World Methodist Council and the Catholic Church (2022).

Tom Whelan, Shaping Worship Ecumenically?

Andrea Worm; Stephan Winter, Baptismal Fonts and Baptismal Liturgy in England: Semantics – Contexts –Practices

Joshua Zentner-Barret, Contesting Culture: Ecumenism, Diversity, and Liturgical Inculturation.


Júlio Cézar Adam, Luiz Carlos Teixeira Coelho, Louis Marcelo Illenseer, Fabiane Luckow, The ‘un- standardization’ of worship: ecumenical challenges in Latin-American Churches as a consequence of the rise of neo-pentecostalism: A Brazilian case study.

Kimberly Belcher, Nathan Chase, Alexander Turpin, The Reception of Baptized Christians: History, Ritual, and Theology.

English Language Liturgical Consultation (Martin Foster), Ecumenism and Liturgy: The Revised Common Lectionary.

Joris Geldhof, Thomas Pott, Tom McLean, Karen Papellero, Lizette Larson-Miller, The Malines Conversations Group: An Experiment in Liturgical Ecumenism?

Mirella Klomp, Eward Postma, Wessel Wessels, Ciska Stark, ‘All the ends of the earth…’ Contextual ecumenical challenges and limitations to preaching, praying and singing in times of climate change.

Swee Hong Lim, Mikie Roberts, Ojiri Saya, Why so many Hallelujahs? The Use of Congregational Song at the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Thomas O’Loughlin, Margaret Daly Denton, Bridget Nichols, The Ecumenism of Liturgical Welcome.


Ângelo Cardita, L’acceptation du « mariage homosexuel » par les églises chrétiennes : la question sacramentelle.

Jérôme Guingand, Collectes psalmiques et célébrations liturgiques œcuméniques.

Luc Houndakenou, Oecuménisme et liturgie : Apports des Églises pentecôtistes.

Creômenes Tenório Maciel, Les campagnes de la fraternité œcuméniques au Brésil : ouvrer et prier ensemble envue d’une société plus humaine et solidaire.

Frédérique Poulet, Quels fondements conceptuels pour une théologie liturgique véritablement œcuménique ? Narsay Soleil, La réforme liturgique de l’Église chaldéenne et le dialogue avec l’Église assyrienne de l’Orient. Natacha-Ingrid Tinteroff, Entre unité et diversité : la prière commune anglicane comme fabrique œcuménique ?


Karsten Wolkenhauer, Das Versöhnungsgebet von Coventry – Ein Revisionsbericht.


David Plüss, Katrin Kusmierz, Miriam Löhr, Das ökumenische Potential digitaler Gottesdienstformate.

You can download a full pdf of the Congress Timetable here: Congress Timetable pdf

A summary table is given below

Timetable Mon 7 August Tues 8 August Wed 9 August Thurs 10 August
Arrivals and Registration
President’s Arch
7:30 Morning Prayer
College Chapel
8.00 Breakfast
Pugin Hall
9:00 Keynote I
Liturgical, theological and ecumenical gifts
Aula Maxima
10:15 Coffee
Pugin Hall
10:45 Papers
see schedule
11:45 Papers
see schedule
7:30 Morning Prayer
College Chapel
8.00 Breakfast
Pugin Hall
9:00 Keynote III
Liturgy and ecumenism, contexts and challenges
Aula Maxima
10:15 Coffee
Pugin Hall
10:45 Papers
see schedule
11:45 Papers
see schedule
7:30 Morning Prayer
College Chapel
8.00 Breakfast
Pugin Hall
9:00 Keynote IV
Receiving each other’s gifts
Aula Maxima
10:15 Coffee
Pugin Hall
10:45 Papers
see schedule
11:45 Papers
see schedule
3:00 Opening Liturgy
Assemble in front of the College Chapel
4:30 Presidential Address
Aula Maxima
Pugin Hall Cloisters
1:00 Lunch
Pugin Hall
2:15 Keynote II
Formed ecumenically through liturgy
Aula Maxima
3:30 Coffee
Pugin Hall
4:00 Papers
see schedule
5:00 Papers
see schedule
1:00 Lunch
Pugin Hall
1:45 Council Reception for New Members
2.15 Midday Prayer
3:00 General Meeting
Aula Maxima
4.15 Meeting of the New Council
1:00 Lunch
Pugin hall
2:15 Papers
see schedule
3:30 Coffee
Pugin Hall
5:00 Eucharist
St Mary’s Church
6:30 Dinner
Pugin Hall
6:15 Evening Prayer
College Chapel
7:00 Dinner
Pugin Hall
8:00 Concert
College Chapel
Free Evening
Pugin Hall Cloisters
7:00 Formal Dinner
Pugin Hall