2021 Online Congress hosted fromNotre Dame, South Bend IN, USA
July 20-22, 2021 - ONLINE
The Council was delighted to have accepted an offer from the University of Notre Dame to host the 2021 Congress of Societas Liturgica. We were even more blessed when it became clear that an in-person congress would not be possible because of he Covid pandemic, as the team an Notre Dame fully supported and enabled the Congress to move online .
Keynote Lectures for the 2021 Congress
Bridget Nichols
The Presidential Address
The Art of Liturgy François Cassingena, FR, poet and liturgist
La liturgie comme poétique fondamentale
response Arnaud Montoux, FR, medieval aesthetics
The Arts in Liturgy David Brown, UK, philosphy, theology, the arts
Liturgical Constraints and Openness in Divine Address
response Gerald Liu, USA, worship and preaching
Liturgy and the Arts Deborah Sokolove, USA, arts, theology, liturgy, culture
Liturgy, the Arts, and the Need of the World
response Marcia McFee, USA, liturgical consultant, worship, dance, theatre
Liturgy as Public Art Mirella Klomp, NL, public ritual and liturgy
Ars ludendi. Urban liturgies as public service in a secular world
response Dominik Abel, GER
Number | Name | Title |
1 | Bastubacka, Johan | Spiritual Beauty: The Theologizing of the Body, Vision, and Aesthetics in Orthodox Divine Liturgy |
2 | Bear, Carl | The Art of Congregational Singing in Historical Context |
3 | Belcher, Kimberly | Rites for a World in Crisis: Eschatology and Rituals of Affliction in Response to Personal, Social, and Ecological Catastrophe |
4 | Budwey, Stephanie | St Wilgefortis: A Queer Image for Today |
5 | Bugyis, Katie | Illuminating Rituals for the Dead in the Mortuary Roll of Prioress Lucy of Castle Hedingham |
6 | Chase, Nathan | Developments in Early Eucharistic Praying in Light of Changes in Early Christian Liturgical Spaces |
7 | Cones, Bryan | Mixed Media: The Assembly as “Environment and Art” |
8 | Haspelmath- Finatti, Dorothea | The Lord be with you – and also with you. An Ecumenical View of Ordained and Baptized Ministries through the Lens of Responsorial Singing |
9 | Geldhof, Joris | The Deësis on Van Eyck’s Ghent Altarpiece: Its Potential for a Liturgical Theology of the Future |
10 | Hegy, Pierre | Functional vs Mystagogical Conceptions of Art and Liturgy in three televised Sunday services |
11 | Heiremans, Jeroen | The art of translation: the successive translations of the orations in the Dutch language area |
12 | Johnson, Sarah | Occasional Religious Practice and the Liturgical Arts |
13 | Klee, Richard | Prophetic and Eschatological Arts: Second Temple Narratives of Marriage and Burial |
14 | Knowles, Walter | The Craft of Liturgy |
15 | Kolar, Pavel | Liturgical borderlines: new artistic expressions of memento |
16 | Larson-Miller, Lizette | ‘In Procession before the World’: Spectacles of Faith Outside the Walls of the Church |
17 | Magas, Kevin | Liturgy for Art’s Sake?: The 20th-Century Liturgical Movement and the Challenge of Aestheticism |
18 | O’Donoghue, Neil Xavier | Receiving Communion on the Hand: Liturgical Abuse or Meaningful Sign? |
19 | Ottaway, Jonathan | Participation as a Theological Assessment for Pentecostal Liturgy and Art |
20 | Sabak, James | Complementarity and Conflict: The Use of Images of the Pantocrator and the Crucified in Liturgical Worship |
21 | Schiefelbein- Guerrero, Kyle | The Environs of the Digital Church: How Art and Space Form Community in Online Liturgical Events |
22 | Scott, Hilton | As we live, so we believe, so we worship together |
23 | Sebeesh, Jacob | Intercultural Icons in Christian Worship: Narratives and Impressions upon Joy Elamkunnapuzha’s Inculturational Art in North India |
24 | Shokikyan, Arman | When a Script becomes Beauty: Engaging with the Armenian Lectionary of King Hetum |
25 | Smith, Jason | What Can Touchdown Jesus Teach Us about the Christ of Faith? Sport and Liturgical Theology in Dialogue |
26 | Smith, Jenny | Word Art: Re-Dressing Liturgical Spaces in the English and Dutch Reformations |
27 | Stokoe, Mark | The Shrine: a Re-interpretation of Ravenna’s Mausoleum of Galla Placidia |
28 | Tandei, Samuel | ‘Screen-ing’ the Congregation: Liturgical Singing as Constructive Ecclesiology in a Post-CoVID Christianity |
29 | Turner, Paul | Assumptions about Art and Architecture in the Vatican’s 1977 Ordo Dedicationis Ecclesiæ et Altaris |
30 | van Ommen, Léon | Art and Autism: Sensory Inclusion and Exclusion |
31 | Vogel, Henk | The Power of Psalms. Evaluating their Meaning in Post-secular Society |
32 | Wakeling, Jennifer | Textless Music in Christian Worship: Exploring the Emergent and Semiotic Dimensions of Sacramentality |
33 | Bonningues, Marc | Une homélie “évènement”: allocution du pape Paul VI aux artistes. Chapelle Sixtine (7 mai 1964) |
34 | Drouin, Gilles | Le défi de l’intégration de l’art d’aujourd’hui dans une grande cathédrale médiévale |
35 | Morizot, Caroline | Vitrail et liturgie à l’aube du concile de Trente : l’exemple de Sainte- Foy de Conches (France /// 1540-1553) |
36 | Poulet, Frédérique | Art liturgique et esthétique théologique: quelles ressources chez Hans Urs Von Balthasar |
37 | Sauvé, Julien | L’assemblée liturgique comme icône |
38 | Soncarrieu, Anne | Et nous avons vu sa gloire – Interprétation théologique du mobilier liturgique créé par André Gence |
39 | Sautory, Martine | Les chapelles d’artistes de Maurice Denis, d’Henri Matisse et de Georges Braque: leurs enjeux artistiques et leurs interprétations théologiques. |
Societas Liturgica is grateful for the support it has continued to receive from the Local Committee at the University of Notre Dame who are continuing to work with us to ensure a successful congress in spite of the sadness that we will no longer be able to join them on Campus in South Bend
We are grateful for the sponsorship received from Calvin Institute for Christian Worship and their support for the liturgy during the congress