Application for Membership to Societas Liturgica
There are now more than 300 members of Societas Litugica. The international and ecumenical character of the society is illustrated by the list of its successive Presidents and Council members.
Members Benefits
- bi-annual conference – exchange with liturgical scholars and practitioners from around the world at Societas Liturgica Congresses.
- invitation to participate in collective deliberation and voting regarding Societas Liturgica Congress theme, structure, and proceedings.
- occasions to share and explore research-in-progress with accomplished and emerging international researchers, teachers, and clergy of liturgy at Congress meetings and regionally and informally when the Congress is not in session.
- subscription to Studia Liturgica included within your membership fee, an international and ecumenical journal dedicated to the celebration and examination of liturgical and worship studies.
- opportunities for nomination and election to posts of service and leadership within Societas Liturgica and the journal, Studia Liturgica.
We ask any potential members to submit an application and letters of recommendation for review by our Council. Please fill out the Application below or e-mail the Secrretariat for more information:
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