by Adrien - Présence Digitale | Aug 8, 2013 |
Würzburg, Germany 2013 The XXIV. Congress of Societas Liturgica was held in Würzburg, Germany: 5th – 10th of August 2013. LITURGY REFORMS IN THE CHURCHESRÉFORMES DE LA LITURGIE DANS LES EGLISESLITURGIEREFORMEN IN DEN KIRCHEN Report on the 24th Congress of the...
by Adrien - Présence Digitale | Aug 8, 2011 |
Reims, France 2011 Baptism: Rites and Christian Life Baptism: Rites and Christian LifeBaptême: rites et vie chrétienneDie Taufe: Riten und Christliches Leben After the Reims CongressAfter Dresden (2005), Palermo (20007) and Sydney (2009), the twenty-third Congress...
by Adrien - Présence Digitale | Aug 10, 2009 |
Sydney, Australia 2009 The Liturgical Year: the Gospel encountering our time The Liturgical Year: The Gospel Encountering our Time.Das Liturgische Jahr – Das Evangelium begegnet unserer Zeit XXII Societas Liturgica SYDNEY 2009 Almost two hundred participants from...
by Adrien - Présence Digitale | Aug 6, 2007 |
Polermo, Italy 2007 The XXI. Congress of Societas Liturgica was held in Palermo: 6th – 11th of August 2007. Liturgy and the public squareLa liturgie dans l’espace publicLiturgie und Öffentlichkeit SOCIETAS LITURGICA PALERMO REPORT The“Conca d’ora” provided a fitting...
by Adrien - Présence Digitale | Aug 10, 2005 |
Dresden, Germany The XX'th International Congress of Societas Liturgica was held August 8'th-13'th in 2005 at the “Haus der Kirche” in Dresden, Germany. Worship as Transformation – To heal a Broken WorldLa liturgie: puissance de transformation et de guérison dans un...